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Winter Journal

Your eyes water up when you watch certain movies, you have dropped tears onto the pages of numerous books, you have cried at moments of immense personal sorrow, but death freezes you and shuts you down, robbing you of all emotion, all affect, all connection to your own heart.

On the eve of Paul Auster’s 64th birthday, the author sat down and penned a memoir called Winter Journal. Published in 2012, Winter Journal is not an “I did this; I did that” account of his life (although there is a bit of time-centered personal detail in the book) but more of a “I felt this; I felt that” type of story as he recalls how he reached a milestone where the world no longer considered him young or even middle-aged. Read more »


BetterOats® Organic Bare Instant Multigrain Hot Cereal

To make better happen every day.

BetterOats® is owned by Post, the third largest cereal company in the United States – a corporation better known as the maker of Honey Combs, Alpha-Bits, Fruity Pebbles, and Raisin Bran. In an effort to capture the more health conscious market (and for this the company should be commended), BetterOats® has recently introduced an unsweetened instant multigrain hot cereal made with seven ingredients: Read more »


Where does Money to Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, Inc. Go?

Everytown is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities. Gun violence touches every town in America. For too long, change has been thwarted by the Washington gun lobby and by leaders who refuse to take common-sense steps that will save lives.

But something is changing. More than 3 million mayors, moms, cops, teachers, survivors, gun owners, and everyday Americans have come together to make their own communities safer. Together, we are fighting for the changes that we know will save lives.

Everytown for Guns Safety Action Fund, Inc. (Everytown) was formed in 2014 when two non-profits – Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America – combined to form one united non-profit to work together to reduce gun violence. How do they do this? By advocating for  universal background checks on firearms purchases – including those at gun shows and over the internet, by supporting laws to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, supporting gun safety technology, and supporting legislation for stronger penalties for gun trafficking. Read more »


BuckWHAT Granola

Not all granola is created equal.

When I hear the word “buckwheat,” I am reminded of “The Little Rascals”  and “Our Gang” – the popular short films about a group of neighborhood kids (Spanky, Alfalfa, Chubby, Breezy, Darla, Stymie, and of course, Buckwheat), their dog (Pete), and beloved teacher (Miss Crabtree) that was filmed in the 1930’s and enjoyed syndication on television for decades after.

But, buckwheat is actually a very popular food in Russia and China (owing to its short growing season) that serves as a staple similar to quinoa in Peru, rice in Asian countries, and corn in Latin America. Many Americans think buckwheat belongs to the wheat family, as its name suggests but buckwheat is a gluten-free seed packed with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. And, therefore a perfect ingredient for granola. Read more »


A Wake Up Call for Sheryl Sandberg and Elizabeth Alexander

Most people know who Sheryl Sandberg is (the COO of Facebook) by virtue of who she works for but not everyone knows who Elizabeth Alexander is (a poet, essayist, playwright, and professor) although she taught at Yale for 15 years and is currently a faculty member at Columbia University.

Both women are middle-aged, successful, and role models for the younger generation. Living in opposite corners of the country (Sandberg in California; Alexander in New York) with vastly different careers, these women appear to have little in common although both were widowed young: Sandberg two years ago at the age of 45 after her husband, Dave Goldberg (at age 47) sustained a traumatic head injury possibly caused by heart arrhythmia while running on a treadmill; and Alexander in 2012 when her husband, Ficre Ghebreyesus died from heart failure at age 50 while exercising on the family’s treadmill. Read more »


The Outliers in the House of Representatives

Many people identify with either the Republican or Democrat party but in reality, most voters fall somewhere between the conservative (Republican) and the liberal (Democrat) spectrum because there are so many issues – economic, environmental, education, healthcare, transportation, and more – affecting people and their beliefs.

We may be fiscally conservative and socially liberal or socially conservative but liberal in our views on education or healthcare. Whatever the combination is, the reality is that the closest the votes are to the center, the easier the compromise because both sides don’t have to give up too much. The further the votes are to the right or left, the harder it is to reach agreement because there is too much distance to bring opposites together. Read more »


Augie Granola

The granola section in many grocery stores is starting to look like the cereal aisle of a Grand Union circa 1980 but instead of cereal, the shelves are filled with every type of granola known to mankind. Most people are thrilled with all the new choices of this traditional breakfast food though there are some naysayers who claim the last thing we need is another artisan granola.  Not so and I’ll tell you why. Read more »


Little Kids And Their Big Dogs

Little Kids And Their Big Dogs is one of the most beautiful heartwarming books you will ever have the pleasure of looking through and reading. Written and illustrated by Andy Seliverstoff, a professional dog photographer, Little Kids And Their Big Dogs is not another coffee table book filled with beautiful photographs (although the images are undeniably stunning) but a book filled with images and words that capture the innocence, purity, and special bond between children and dogs. Read more »


Sunflower Seed Whole Grain Bread by Sant Ambroeus

Rarely am I impressed with bread served in a restaurant so when a friend who hails from New York City insisted I try the Sunflower Seed Whole Grain Bread at Sant (St.) Ambroeus, my expectations were low. For me, the most excellent of breads must have aroma – that yeasty smell that is indisputably comforting, a crunch on the outside, a soft, chewy texture on the inside and most important of all:  flavor. There are many loaves of bread that look good but very few that look and taste incredible.  Just like men, right?  Just kidding. Read more »


Why the Salvation Army Should File an IRS Form 990

The Salvation Army is an international group of Christians who claim the Salvation Army is a church.  The funny thing is I can’t remember the last time I drove down the road and saw a church with the sign “Salvation Army” in front of it although I see signs in front of other churches identifying the property as Methodist, Evangelical, Presbyterian, Catholic, and more. In fact, I don’t recall ever seeing a church with the words “Salvation Army” on a sign in front of a church. So, where is the Church of the Salvation Army?  Read more »